Hi, I’m Kai! 😊

I’m a nurse turned content marketer. You can rely on me if you need help with content marketing management and operations.

I’ve helped big and small teams manage content operations and production since 2018. I’ve worked with a global team of writers, editors, designers, marketers, and project managers.

Niches that I have the most experience are:

✏️ Healthcare (I’m a licensed nurse in my country), nutrition, and wellness
✏️ HIPAA compliance
✏️ SaaS (software as a service)
✏️ UX and UI design
✏️ eLearning and EdTech
✏️ HR, recruiting, and preemployment assessments

In a nutshell, I help brands and teams unravel the puzzle of communicating their story in between screens and beyond algorithms — from ideation to implementation.

👩🏻‍💻 What I usually do

Most of the time, my job as a content ops person is to ensure that:

  • All projects are running on track and we’re hitting deadlines
  • Everyone in content production has everything they need to accomplish their job(and no one’s feeling burned out!)
  • There are no hiccups in the content production workflow
  • We’re publishing high-quality (also known as “helpful”) content that people can easily find (this is where SEO comes in) on the interwebs (can you guess my age now?)

Aside from content project management, I also use words to educate(content writing), sell (copywriting), or deliver helpful experiences (content design & UX writing). I’ve been doing all of these since 2011.

While I wear many hats, most of my work involves words and identifying the best type of content for your audience and communication goals.

Whether it’s for a blog post or a brief error message, I make it a point to write clear, engaging, and data-informed content.

Get in touch with me if you’re lost in a sea of identical content, struggling with lackluster copy, or you want your readers to say — this brand totally gets me. 😌

👩🏻‍💻 What I’m proud of about my work

  • Ability to break down complex concepts into clear, engaging pieces of information
  • Knack for synthesizing different types of information into a cohesive piece
  • Ability to shift perspectives (it’s a skill!) and tell a good story
  • High-quality research
  • In-depth understanding of user/search intent
  • Reliability and handing deliverables on time (I understand that everyone’s time is valuable).

Want to know more about how I can help you?

You can hop over to my LinkedIn for my work and university background.

To learn about how I work, these testimonials from past clients and previous co-workers will clue you in. None of them were paid (or blackmailed!) to say kind words about me. 😹

Although some of my published works are ghostwritten and under non-disclosure agreements, say hello and I’ll share my portfolio with you. You can also google my name to check out my bylines.

Other skills

Content refresh/updates, long-form content, microcopy, content audits, on-page SEO, technical writing, creative direction, explainer videos, taming tardigrades.

And if you’re still reading up to this point..

In addition to everything content, you’ll also find me gushing about literature, speculative poetry, the gut microbiome, and behavioral economics.

I live for my one cup of black coffee a day, mountain trips, lap swimming, spending time in nature, books, and conversations over beer tea. Also, I’m still trying to perfect my one-handed kettlebell swing do a proper headstand. 🧘🏻‍♀️