While listening to Headspace Radio’s newest podcast episode on relationships this morning, I had a couple of aha moments with my own relationships (not just the romantic kind but with friends and family too).
Consequently, I also realized that I had the same aha moments while listening to a number of podcasts the entire year.
Listening to podcasts has made a significant difference in how I work, interact with people, and do certain things.
Tuning in to other people’s conversations and thoughts is like having a mentor, friend, and a therapist at once.
Like books, podcasts can also influence the way you think, feel, and respond to what’s been happening around you.
It’s probably too hyperbolic if I say that they’ve helped me grow as a person this year but think of podcasts as food for thought.
You’re not going to notice its visible impact on your health and well-being right away but it helps in the long run. I hope that you’ll find something of value from these podcasts too.
If you’ve been looking for good podcasts to listen to while stuck in traffic, washing the dishes, or exercising, here’s a quick list of podcasts that I regularly listened to for the past year.
Sunday Dispatches with Paul Jarvis
Each episode is super short and Paul simply talks about his thoughts on creativity, freelancing, and building valuable client relationships.
Favorite episode: Do What You Say You’re Going to Do
The Tim Ferris Show
I admit that I wasn’t a huge Tim Ferriss fan when his books were just gaining traction, but I noticed recently that Tim has improved greatly in how he does interviews. He knows how (and when) to ask the right questions.
Favorite episode: Managing Procrastination Predicting the Future with illustrator Tim Urban
Runner-up favorite: Intimacy, Emotional Baggage, Relationship Longevity with psychotherapist Esther Perel
Pardon My French with Garance Dore
I’ve been a fan of Garance’s style and illustrations when she was just starting out as a style and fashion blogger (even before her breakup with Mr. The Sartorialist!). When she announced that she was doing a podcast this year, I knew I had to subscribe to it right away!
Favorite episode: Mating in Captivity with Esther Perel (Isn’t it obvious now that I’m turning into an Esther Perel minion?)
Hot Copy Podcast
Binge-listen to this podcast if you want to learn about copywriting for the web. It’s also a bit weird that I like listening to this specific podcast while exercising.
Favorite episode: Why your sign off process is SO important
The Copywriter Club Podcast
This podcast for copywriters is like the American version of Hot Copy Podcast (which is hosted by two Australian copywriters). You don’t have to choose between the two because their podcasting styles are different and both offer a lot of value.
Favorite episode: Interview with conversion copywriter Joanna Wiebe
99 Percent Invisible
Subscribe to this podcast if you’re curious about design and culture. Plus, Roman Mars’ voice is oh-so-sexy!
Favorite episode: The Trend Forecast
Design Matters with Debbie Millman
If I can choose one mentor from today’s thought leaders and influencers, I’d probably choose Debbie Millman. There’s just something about the way she makes people feel at ease during interviews.
Favorite episode: Interview with Brene Brown on belongingness, courage, and vulnerability.
How I Built This with Guy Raz
As written in their NPR link, this podcast is about innovators, entrepreneurs, and idealists, and the stories behind the movements they built.
Favorite Episode: Interview with Patagonia’s Yvon Chouinard
This is Product Management by Mike Fishbein
I’m not a product manager but most of the podcast episodes are focused towards topics that I usually gravitate to like user research and technology.
Favorite Episode: Behavioral Psychology is Product Management
True North Podcast
This podcast uncovers stories that intersect between design and innovation.
Favorite Episode: Behind Facebook’s Logo
Hurry Slowly
I just discovered this podcast on what it means to pace yourself while living in this tech-driven era and I’m hooked!
Favorite Episode: Craig Mod I Want My Attention Back
Freakonomics Radio
This is a good podcast for anyone who wants to know “the hidden side of everything”.
Favorite Episode: The 3-part series on Bad Medicine
You Are Not So Smart
If you like to challenge your own assumptions on almost everything out there, this podcast is for you.
Favorite Episode: Sleep Deprivation and Bias
Other favorites that I’ve been listening to for the longest time (and not just in 2017):
Do you have any recommendations?
Share in the comments below or if you want to carry on with your air of mystery, send smoke signals instead.